Calvinism and Arminianism are two theological systems which contradict each other. Despite of their contradiction these two systems are basically embraced by the reformed churches or theologians, though in the last century the teaching of Arminianism is also adopted by the charismatic churches. These two different systems have lasted for more than 300 years and the differences apparently cannot be resolved. The differences of the two systems above can be compared to the debate of Baptist and Presbyterian churches or theologians in the area of mode of baptism. The issue of Arminianism and Calvinism has caused many people especially outside of these two camps to speak and present the two systems as unbiblical and placing their own view as followers of the Word of God, whereas the two camps presented as if two theological systems which do not have biblical supports. The reason for discrediting Arminianism and Calvinism as unbiblical because both Armenians and Calvinism are frequent presented only the content of the article without any reference or footnote to the Word of God. It is an attempt of this paper to discuss the background and to present the right understanding of the Word of God and to see the two systems in the light of the Word of God.
John Calvin was one of the reformers in 16th century. At the age of 25 he started work on his first edition of the Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1534 and was published in 1536. Through this book and together with his polemical and pastoral works, Calvin had greatly influenced the protestant churches. Although Calvin had his contemporary in different countries, yet Calvin was the most pre-eminent. Because of the fame of John Calvin and his teaching, soon was attached to the Reformed churches. The whole body of doctrine of Calvin became called Calvinism.
Although Calvin was originated from Geneva, the publications of his ideas had spread to many parts of the European countries such Scotland, Netherlands, Germany, France, Romania and Poland. The spreading of Calvinism was largely by the Calvinist communions who sent missionaries to various countries around the globe.
The rise of Arminianism system of theology began when James (Jacobus) Arminus (1560-1609) who studied four years under Theodore Beza, in the University of Geneva. Though Arminus studied under the successor of John Calvin, he was against the doctrine of Calvinism. Nonetheless he was not the one formulated the theological system of Arminianism but it was done by his disciples shortly after he died. His disciples named the five points of Arminianism after the name of Arminius. As a response to the controversy of Arminianism system of theology, the National Synod of Holland held the synod meeting to resolve the matter at the Synod of Dort on November 13, 1618, until May 9, 1619. As a result, the five point of Arminianism were rejected and the five point of Calvinism adopted. It is clear that Calvin did not formulate the Five Point of Calvinism though these teachings were in his writings. Calvin did not only write five points of theology but rather many points of theology. He was the most outstanding writer during the reformation in which its impact is still intact till today.
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