Wednesday, 9 July 2008

God's Promise To Abrahamic Covenant: The People


The People Is the Blessing to All Nations

Based on the promise of God to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, that his descendants would be a blessing to all the world. This promise was mentioned twice to Abraham (Gen 18:18; 22:18) and confirmed also to his son Isaac in Genesis 26:4 and to Jacob in Genesis 28:14. All the promises that God had said with regard to the nation of Israel will be fulfilled. Although many people think that the Lord is not interested on Israel as a nation any more for they have killed their king Jesus Christ. This view is well known as the interpretation of the Amillennium. They also say that all the blessings that the Lord had said to Abraham have been replaced by the church. Therefore the Amillennium believes that the Israel that we see today is not the same as before, because they had been cast by the Lord and the Lord only interested on the church today. However one commented on this view that "These blessings promised to Israel are nowhere reinterpreted as presently belonging to the church. The fact that the promises remain in force anticipates their future fulfilment. Thus, while there is in the promised to all people through Abraham and his seed, many aspect of the promise remain to the fulfilled, especially those dealing with the “great nation” seed and the “land” but also the final inheritance of spiritual salvation." The Lord who is faithful to what he had said will fulfil the promises given to Abraham.

With regard to the promised people as an universal blessing, it is seen its fulfilment through the Lord Jesus Christ where His lineage came from the line of Abraham. Through Him we know that all the world (those who believe on Him) is rejoicing for the eternal salvation that they have in Christ Jesus. Truly this is the greatest blessing that people have in life. The nation of Israel will continue be as a blessing to all the world, even for the second coming of Jesus Christ, Israel is the key as the Bible describes that His coming will be the same from the place where he went up to heaven namely Jerusalem. This is to say those who have known Christ will see Him face to face with great joy.

The call of Abraham to leave his own country and his father’s house is clearly seen as the plan of the Lord for the salvation of the sinners. Since the promise had given to Adam in Genesis 3:15, therefore the Lord had chosen Abraham and his descendants as the chosen people where this promise would be fulfilled and many people would be blessed. As Saucy said, "Only with the call of Abraham does God step into human history to initiate his own kingdom program of salvation. The gracious promises given to Abraham in covenant appear throughout Scripture as the foundation and essential ingredients in germinal form of all subsequent salvation history. In addition to the content, the paradigmatic divine human relationship evident in the covenant with Abraham constitutes the root of all salvation."

In the promises of the Lord given to Abraham, there are three main promises that the Lord should bring to pass namely, the promise of the heir, the promise of the land and the promise of the people as a universal blessing. Indeed the first was already fulfilled but the second partly for the land of Israel have not yet been fulfilled as what the Lord had said to Abraham. And the third is being fulfilled in the church age today.
Therefore through the promises of God made in the Abrahamic Covenant, it is clear that the promised Saviour would come to save the all sinners who believe and have faith on Him. Indeed through this covenant we may see and taste the joy of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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